Player Stats

A mod for Gamer Career Tycoon
About the Player Stats mod

Elevate your gaming experience in Gamer Career Tycoon by instantly customizing your gamer's stats with specified amounts. Fine-tune perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, research, and luck to unleash their full potential and dominate the game.

Maximize Your Gamer's Potential

Elevate your gaming experience by customizing and maximizing your gamer's stats instantly in Gamer Career Tycoon. Unleash their full potential and dominate the game with heightened perception, endurance, charisma, and more.

Achieve Unprecedented Skills

Gain an edge in Gamer Career Tycoon with the ability to adjust your gamer's abilities and skills. With the mod, you can fine-tune their intelligence, research, and luck to reach unprecedented levels and outperform the competition.

Customize Your Gameplay

Immerse yourself in an entirely customized gaming experience in Gamer Career Tycoon by tweaking and modding your player stats. Enhance your gamer's stats to match your play style, allowing for a tailored and unique gameplay adventure.

Extra Details

Instantly set your gamers player stats to a specified amount.

This modpack contains the following mods


The amount perception you want your gamer to have.


The amount endurance you want your gamer to have.


The amount charisma you want your gamer to have.


The amount intelligence you want your gamer to have.


The amount research you want your gamer to have.


The amount luck you want your gamer to have.

Set Player Stats

Sets your gamers player stats to the amount specified above.

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