No Clip

A mod for Cartonfall
About the No Clip mod

This mod transforms your Cartonfall experience by allowing you to effortlessly fly through walls and navigate the environment at incredible speeds, opening up a world of exploration and hidden secrets. Adjust your speed and glide through challenges to discover what lies beyond the ordinary.

Soar Above the Challenges

Imagine zipping across the vast spaces of the warehouse without the usual boundaries. By flying through walls, you can bypass obstacles that previously hindered your escape, making your gameplay more exhilarating than ever.

Speed Redefined

Whether you're taking a leisurely cruise through the game or pressing the sprint key for an adrenaline rush, enjoy the flexibility to switch speeds at will. This mod allows you to explore with a sense of purpose, diving into previously unreachable areas.

Uncover the Hidden Secrets

Every corner of the game is now filled with the potential for new discoveries. With this mod, finding hidden items and exploring secret locations offers an exciting twist on the standard gameplay, inviting you to delve deeper into the world of Cartonfall.

Extra Details

No clip allows you to fly around through walls and go pretty much anywhere at super fast speeds. Explore the map and make new discoveries.

This modpack contains the following mods

No Clip

Allows you to fly around the map in no clip mode.

Normal No Clip Speed

This is the speed of no clip when you aren't holding down the sprint key.

Sprinting No Clip Speed

This is the speed of no clip when you are holding down the sprint key.

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