Puzzle Solver

A mod for 39 Days to Mars
About the Puzzle Solver mod

Enhance your journey in this quirky 19th-century adventure by gaining the ability to solve puzzles instantly, make them easier, or even fail them purposefully to explore new storylines. This mod transforms your gaming experience, providing both convenience and fun in navigating the universe of 39 Days to Mars.

Effortless Puzzle Solving

Imagine having the ability to solve any challenging puzzle that Albert encounters instantly. This feature allows both new and seasoned players to experience the game without the typical frustration of puzzle challenges, ensuring a seamless adventure.

Tailored Difficulty

With the option to make the nearest puzzle easier, players can customize their difficulty level on the fly. This adaptability caters to varying skill levels, making it a perfect choice for friends playing together or those enjoying a solo experience with the ship's cat.

Dynamic Gameplay Outcomes

Players can also opt to fail puzzles intentionally, creating unique dialogues and storytelling pathways that would otherwise be missed. This opens up the game to a variety of outcomes, enhancing replayability and adding depth to the narrative.

Extra Details

Instantly solve any puzzle that Albert is standing near, allowing the game to proceed. This can be used to make puzzles easier or fail puzzles too.

This modpack contains the following mods

Fix Nearest Puzzle To Albert

Instantly solve the closest problem to Albert, allowing the game to proceed.

Make Nearest Puzzle To Albert Easier

Instantly weaken the nearest puzzle to Albert, making it easier. Some puzzles can't get any easier.

Fail Nearest Puzzle To Albert

Instantly fail the closest problem to Albert, creating dialog and making the game proceed. You may need to fail a puzzle multiple times to cause a certain outcome.

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