Fish Behavior

A mod for Feed and Grow: Fish
About the Fish Behavior mod

Elevate your underwater gaming experience with this mod pack that revolutionizes fish behavior. Unlock the ability to customize mating success, hatching, fish aggression, and fear responses. Dominate the deep waters and rewrite the rules of survival.

Revolutionize Fish Behavior

Unleash a new era of fish gameplay with customized behavior options such as guaranteed mating success, instant hatching, and the ability to swallow anything whole. Make your mark by creating a new and aggressive underwater world.

Master the Food Chain

Experience a whole new level of dominance as you enable your fish to swallow anything whole and establish superior control over other species. Challenge the existing hierarchy and rewrite the rules of survival.

Dominate in the Deep

Enter an underwater realm where fear is obsolete and your fish can attack without hesitation. With a 100% mating success rate and instinctive aggression, your fish becomes an unstoppable force in the aquatic ecosystem.

Extra Details

Want to mix things up and change how fish behave? Want to lay eggs or spawn an army on command? Want to swallow other fish whole? Want to increase your chances of mating another fish? This mod pack adds all of that and more.

This modpack contains the following mods

Allow Swallow

Allows you to swallow anything whole, even bosses, no matter how big it is.

Mating 100% Success Rate

Modifies the mating chances so you are 100% successful.

Instant Hatching

Causes any eggs to instantly hatch.

Super Agressive Mode

Makes it so all fish can attack other fish, regardless of their level of type, fish won't attack their own kind unless the specific option for that is enabled.

Fish Attack Their Own Kind

Modifies the fish so they can attack their own kind. This requires Super Agressive Mode to be enabled or it won't do anything.

Fish Cant Get Scared

Prevents fish from ever getting scared.

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